ATTENTION: Business Owners & Entrepreneurs...

This Toolkit Can Help You Get 150k Of Funding, Even If You Started A Business 7 Days Ago.

This $7 Toolkit Has Helped Our Clients Get On Average An Extra 100k In Funding Approvals!

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Use these Templates To Sell More Courses!

ONLY ON THIS PAGE: Get the Ultimate Course Funnel Templates that includes tested and proven marketing templates I’ve used to generate over 6-figures in digital courses sales. 


You’ll get opt-in page templates, sales page and checkout page templates and much much more.  


ONLY ON THIS PAGE:  Learn exactly how to build a highly engaged email list faster so you can make more sales, get more customers and generate bigger product launches...even if you don't have a huge following or you're starting from scratch! 

Click YES to add this to your order now for just $37! (This offer is not available at ANY other time or place)


Unlock An Extra $150k In Funding Approvals With This



"From the Desk of The Coach That Has FUNDED Over 50 MILLION Dollars"

Dear Friend,

Imagine a life where you no longer have to fret about securing funding...

👉 Are you grappling with the ongoing stress and anxiety not having the sufficient funds?

👉 Do you find yourself frustrated because you can't achieve your dream or struggle to cover essential expenses?

👉 Are you disappointed because opportunities for financial growth seem elusive...

...if any of these feelings strike a chord with you, what I've put together is tailor-made to address YOUR needs.

But First…A Disclaimer:

I want to be brutally honest.

Listen. This training is good.

And it's the perfect method to use if you want launch a successful course fast.

However, it's definitely not a “magic bullet” that will get you a result without any work. 

What I’m about to share with you takes effort but has been working great for me and my private clients.

And I believe it can help you too.

With that said, I’m not suggesting that everyone who takes this training is going to achieve the same results.

My results are not typical and I have the benefit of practicing direct response marketing, advertising, and online entrepreneurship for 6 years, and have a strong foundation as a result. 

So with that said…

Who Is André J. Volcy and Why Should You Pay Attention to Him?

I've achieved remarkable success by establishing two online businesses in the credit and funding industry, generating a combined revenue exceeding seven figures.

My entrepreneurial journey kicked off with ventures in purchasing businesses and real estate, and then transitioned into digital product ventures, ultimately leading me to venture into coaching.

Along this path, I've encountered and learned from every possible mistake, investing countless hours into refining and perfecting my strategies. My primary aim is to share what truly works, enabling you to avoid similar pitfalls.

What I offer isn't mere theory; it's grounded in my practical experience of helping Americans enhance their credit scores and financial prospects, both through my own enterprises and for my clients.

Now, allow me to introduce myself further: I'm an entrepreneur and investor who pioneered the RSF Program, a game-changing initiative designed to empower business owners and entrepreneurs in securing funding, effectively managing their credit, and attaining financial success. My ambitious goal is to help 500 more business owners secure $100,000 in 2023!

But don't just take my word for it...

The Business Structure Toolkit Helps Entrepreneurs and Business Owners Set Up Their Businesses Correctly. 

Here Are Some Of The Benefits That The Toolkit Has To Offer:

  • Legal Compliance: Ensures that your business structure adheres to all relevant regulations, which helps you get funding and reducing the risk of legal issues in the future.
  • Credibility: A well-structured business can appear more credible to potential investors and lenders, increasing your chances of securing funding.
  • Scalability: Ensures that your chosen structure can accommodate your business's growth and expansion plans without major legal or operational hurdles.
  • ​​And much more.....

Once Structured Correctly You'll Unlock Access to Our Done-For-You Business Funding Program.

You're One Step Away From 

Fast Capital For Your Growing Business.

Our Streamlined Online Funding Will Simplify Your Life.

  • ​​​​💰 Secure your business capital or funding for a new venture in just minutes! Act now for lightning-fast approvals and same-day funding. Don't miss out on this opportunity!
  • ​​​🏡 Invest in Your Dreams: Whether you're planning to start a business, pursue higher education, travel the world, or achieve any other personal goal, this bundle will empower you to access the funding you need.
  • ​​🌟 Zero Interest - Enjoy 0% introductory interest rates for an average of 12 - 18 months.
  • ​​​Unsecured Safe Funding - Unsecured means that you are not risking your assets, such as using properties as collateral. Additionally you wont give up equity in your business or ongoing real estate deals in order to access and use unsecured business credit, you maintain 100% control of your business and the credit lines.
  • ​​​✅ Up to $250,000 of Unsecured Funding - Clients can expect up to $100,000 or more of spend-like-cash Unsecured Business Credit in 45 days or less and up to $250,000 over the next 12 months, depending on credit worthiness.
  • ​​​✅ Expert Authors: Benefit from the knowledge and expertise of seasoned authors who have mastered the art of personal funding and are ready to share their secrets with you.
  • ​​​✅ Actionable Guidance: Our eBooks provide clear, step-by-step instructions and actionable advice that you can immediately apply to your personal funding journey.
  • ​​..and much, MUCH MORE!

You Pay After You're Approved

"Are you ready to take control of your credit?"

A low or bad credit score is costing you tens of thousands each year?

Do you need help reaching your credit goals? ...

  • Are you tired of struggling to improve your credit score every month, with no significant results to show for your efforts?
  • Do you feel frustrated because you constantly fall short of your financial goals despite your best efforts?
  • ​​​Are you tired of watching others enjoy financial success while you struggle to repair your credit, wondering if you'll ever catch up?

Now, you're looking for A BETTER WAY to improve your credit score!

You Want to Boost Your Credit Score and Achieve Financial Freedom...

Can you imagine how much time, money, and frustration this toolkit will save you?

A poor credit score could cost you nearly $400,000 in your lifetime...

Stop Bleeding Money Every Month...


  • What if you could finally say goodbye to endless hours of fruitless efforts and see real improvements in your credit score?
  • ​​What if you could consistently make progress toward your financial goals without constantly chasing elusive solutions?
  • ​​What if you could do all of this while regaining control of your financial future and achieving peace of mind?
Sound like a dream come true?

Our "ROAD TO 850!" Can Make It a Reality for You

New Businesses Get The Startup Funding You Need To Get You Off The Ground


Crazy, Right?!

Maybe A Little, But We're Only Crazy Because We Want To See You SUCCEED And HELP AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE.

 How Personal Factors Affect The Business ($1,997 Value)

 Fill In The Blank Details About Your Business ($ 997 Value)

 Four Phase Structure Plan ($ 1,997 Value)

 Track Your Business Bank Rating  ($ 997 Value)

 Built In Business Credit Builder ($ 1,497Value)

 Compliance Checklist  ($ 4,997 Value)

 And So Much More  ($$$$Value)

Total Value: $Priceless

Normally $297

Get It All Right Now


"I Want To Make Your Life SUPER EASY And Your Business SUPER SUCCESSFUL By Giving You ALL THE PROCESSES You Need To Successfully FUND YOURSELF!"

Here's Exactly What You're Going To Get With 

The "ROAD TO 850!"

Achieve an 850 Credit Score:

📚 Comprehensive Credit Education: Understand the ins and outs of credit scores, how they work, and what you can do to improve them.

Why you need this:

  • ​Don't let a less-than-perfect credit score hold you back any longer. It's time to take control of your financial future and unlock opportunities you never thought possible. With our Credit Score Booster, you can achieve that coveted 850 credit score and open the door to financial freedom.
  • ​Understand the factors that impact your credit score, such as payment history, credit utilization, length of credit history, types of credit, and new credit inquiries. Discover how to optimize each factor for maximum impact on your score.
  • ​​Learn the precise actions to take to reach the pinnacle of credit scores, 850. We break down the exact steps and strategies to make this achievable goal within your grasp.

Break Down Offer 

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Why you need this:

  • ​Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus cursus velit, eu imperdiet sem feugiat quis. Fusce fermentum mi mollis justo gravida, quis dictum est sodales. 
  • ​Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus cursus velit, eu imperdiet sem feugiat quis. Fusce fermentum mi mollis justo gravida, quis dictum est sodales. 
  • ​​Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus cursus velit, eu imperdiet sem feugiat quis. Fusce fermentum mi mollis justo gravida, quis dictum est sodales. 

Break Down Offer 

​Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus cursus velit, eu imperdiet sem feugiat quis. Fusce fermentum mi mollis justo gravida, quis dictum est sodales. 

Why you need this:

  • ​Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus cursus velit, eu imperdiet sem feugiat quis. Fusce fermentum mi mollis justo gravida, quis dictum est sodales. 
  • ​Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus cursus velit, eu imperdiet sem feugiat quis. Fusce fermentum mi mollis justo gravida, quis dictum est sodales. 
  • ​​Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus cursus velit, eu imperdiet sem feugiat quis. Fusce fermentum mi mollis justo gravida, quis dictum est sodales. 

But Wait...There's More....

I want this to be the absolute best investment you’ve ever made, so you’re getting access to [X Number] FAST ACTION bonuses that will help you [get big result] even faster.

BONUS # 1 [Name] ($Value)

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  • ​Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus cursus velit, eu imperdiet sem feugiat quis. Fusce fermentum mi mollis justo gravida, quis dictum est sodales. 
  • ​Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus cursus velit, eu imperdiet sem feugiat quis. Fusce fermentum mi mollis justo gravida, quis dictum est sodales. 
  • ​Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus cursus velit, eu imperdiet sem feugiat quis. Fusce fermentum mi mollis justo gravida, quis dictum est sodales. 

BONUS # 2 [Name] ($Value)

​Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus cursus velit, eu imperdiet sem feugiat quis. Fusce fermentum mi mollis justo gravida, quis dictum est sodales. 

  • ​Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus cursus velit, eu imperdiet sem feugiat quis. Fusce fermentum mi mollis justo gravida, quis dictum est sodales. 
  • ​Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus cursus velit, eu imperdiet sem feugiat quis. Fusce fermentum mi mollis justo gravida, quis dictum est sodales. 
  • ​Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus cursus velit, eu imperdiet sem feugiat quis. Fusce fermentum mi mollis justo gravida, quis dictum est sodales. 

BONUS #3 [Name] ($Value)

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  • ​Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus cursus velit, eu imperdiet sem feugiat quis. Fusce fermentum mi mollis justo gravida, quis dictum est sodales. 
  • ​Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus cursus velit, eu imperdiet sem feugiat quis. Fusce fermentum mi mollis justo gravida, quis dictum est sodales. 
  • ​Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus cursus velit, eu imperdiet sem feugiat quis. Fusce fermentum mi mollis justo gravida, quis dictum est sodales. 

And of course you're fully protected with our...

IF You Follow The Process 

You Will Get Funded Guarantee

[Get big result] In [Timeframe] Without [thing they don't want to do


As much as people like to complicate the process of [niche], it's actually pretty simple. 

Here it is: 

Step 1: [break down process]

Step 2:  [break down process]

Step 3:  [break down process]

If you ONLY focus on these 3 steps…I have no doubt you [can get big result]

This [product] will help you execute these steps... 

Let me take you by the hand and help you to…

  • ​[Benefit]
  • ​[Benefit]
  • [Benefit]​
  • [Benefit]​
  • ​[Benefit]
  • ​...and much much more

Are You Ready To Start On The Path To Build a 850 Credit Score and Change Your Life Forever!

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 Part of offer ($Value)

Total Value: $[x]

Get It All Right Now

ONLY $7!


All Information Shared Are The Sole Thoughts and Opinions Of The Author.

 Do Not Take Any Information As Legal Or Financial Advice. 

You Should Seek A Certified Accountant And A Professional Legal Team Before Taking Any Further Action.

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